Thursday, October 22, 2009

We are so blessed. Jesse comes home from Afghanistan in November, and all seven kids are healthy and happy with their lives. The life we have is crazy busy with three children at once but it is so good. The children are very happy. They go non-stop until they go to bed and then there is not a peep. The two younger ones still nap without a complaint. I think that it takes an enormous amount of energy to take in a whole new life and language and they definitely need replenishment from a nap. Their joy is contagious and they add excitement where ever they go. Yeah, there are some intense times but it usually is because all three want to talk at once or the dog has just chewed up one of their toys. Two of the three have ear isssues with some hearing loss so it is always loud, we are the loud family. Not to worry, the ears will get better and we are working with an ENT.
We are so aware of the prayers that go out for us because it really is a miracle that things are going so well. Work for both of us has been a juggle but with the help of friends (thanks Susan, Virginia and Mary Jo)it has been do-able. We always thank God for all of the support we have received from friends and family. It is a wonder why our faith ever falters when we see this evidence of God, He can make a way when there seems to be no way.
The other boys all came home for Mita's 5th birthday. It was such a thrill to watch them all together. She wore her princess dress all day, she had been to one b-day party where they were suppose to dress up like princesses, so she figured that all parties required the princess dress.
Behailu loves school and Socceer. He goes twice a week for Socceer and lives for it. The boy can kick a ball it is awesome to watch his enthusiasm. Endale is just Endale, loving life and enjoying every new experience from an escalator to a broken down car. He has a great sense of humor and great people sense.
All three are not only speaking English in conversation but responding (knee-jerk) in English. Their accent and word order makes them still hard to understand sometimes but it is amazing to watch them communicate.
I included a variety of pictures and I hope it gives you a feel for their life. They have blessed us all.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Whew...back again! My sister has been here for two weeks and with folks stopping it has been a bit hectic. All is well and we are blessed. The children are doing fantastic. They love to swim, talk and laugh. They are learning more and more English, but they certainly do chatter on in Amharic! Taylor is back at Fl. State, Jesse is safe, Graham is loving Greenville and Gabe is loving NYC. Behailu started school yesterday. First grade at Lake Park. He loves it. he got into the car and said "Mom you are wonderful"...I love those new words he is learning. Joni went back to work part time until Jan., Tim is busy as ever and we are both amazed at how this parenting thing comes right back. God is faithful because w/o Him none of this would be possible. Enjoy the pics!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hanging out in ET.

We stayed in a guesthouse in Addis

with three other families! Quaint, but comfortable. It was walled in

and had a great courtyard!

Taylor & Behailu playing around! The first night in bed as Gooleys. Mom and Mita playing inside. Joni tries a hand at making Injera, an ET staple. Endale and Mita opening the coloring books.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Is it really July 28th?

Last published on July 12th...YIKES! Our internet access in ET was pretty much non existent, with the electricity off every other day and dial up soooooo slow, it became way to frustrating to post. We picked up the kids on Tuesday July 14th and arrived in the states on July 19th. It has been an amazing time with the three children, they are very loving and have not missed a beat. Gabe and Taylor have to be the most terrific brothers of all time. Having two extra adults on board was a blessing. The children keep us all on the go.

Our 19 hour (technical problems) really did go smoothly for the kids and I but Tim and Taylor came down with something on the flight that they are sill dealing with. We stayed Sunday night until 6:00pm on Monday in DC. There was some great family time and we appreciate all of the support. We drove back to Fl. via Greenville, SC to visit with graham. Great times in the hotel and pool. these kids love the water. They drink half of the pool but they are loving it and learning to swim. We got back to NPB on Wed. evening the 22nd. the kids woke up and there world was opened up in a huge way. Everything was amazing. We have been pleasantly suprised at how well the kids have done with the adjustment to a new life. There small orphanage, only 11 kids, with loving housemothers helped to enhance the childrens security. The church that support the kids was so loving to them and us throughtout our stay. We feel like we have family there, it is great!
Our greatest apprecaition goes to our friends and family here in the states. The love and encouragement you have shown has enabled us to take on this new journey. We never stop thanking God for you.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

News From Ethiopia

I keep trying to send an e-mail with pictures but it will not happen.

We are all good. We had a great time with the kids yesterday, Saturday. There was a going away party for our children at the orphanage. Their birth mother was able to come and it was a blessed and poignant time for all of us. We pick up the kids for keeps on Tuesday.

I'll try again tomorrow with the pics. Thanks for all of the prayers! J, T, G and T

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

and the adventure begins

We leave tomorrow to drive to DC to fly out on Friday am at 10:00. It is finally time to go get our wonderful kids. They are healthy with no TB and all the paperwork is through. Gabe is in Spain and will meet us in ET. We plan on updating the blog while we are in ET to let you follow the journey. The documentary people came yesterday from DC and spent most of the day filming all kinds of things. Weird times, Gabe is that actor, not us. The film crew will be in DC and then on to ET with us. I need to keep the right perspective, that this could really help a child have a home, and no matter how uncomfortable it is there is great good that can come out of it. We'll keep you posted! Joni

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thanks for your support!

Thanks to all of the friends that support and love our family. We were blessed by your prescence and support. The children will be rich in relationshp and support with all of you wonderful folks! Special thanks to Virginia, Mary Jo and Susan for all of your hard work. Special thanks to Kelly, you are a great tree designer. Thanks to all, Joni

It really does take a village...

We need to back up to June 25, a wonderful group of friends came to help get the kids rooms in shape. We had a blast and so much was accomplished and it saved me loads of work. Thanks to all of you ladies!

You are truly a blessing!

Monday, June 29, 2009

This is a picture of Tim and Joni leaving the shower that their friends put together for them. The decision to enter into this adventure was made by Tim, Joni and their sons, but yesterday it was obvious that this will be a community family. A new concept for us all, but one we can't wait to begin. Susan

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thank you to susan for all her work on this wonderful communication tool. Thank God for leading us on this journey. Tim

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Welcome to our Blog!

Waiting, waiting, waiting... its finally happening! This whole adventure began with a family dinner on Saturday night, 9/3/08. So much had to happen that at times it seemed improbable... moving on to impossible... and now we have added three beautiful children to our family making us a family of nine! The Ethiopian courts officially awarded us custody on Thursday, 6/4/09. We will be "leaving on a jet plane" and soon will be just another North Palm Beach family enjoying the summer.